Sandy Hook Hoaxer Robin Weigel aka "HowISeeWorld" and "HowISeeSandyHook" has made countless videos defaming, making threats, making racist comments, not to mention actually contacting, stalking, and harassing many victims of high profile violent crime. Many victims have fallen prey to this armed, violence preaching monster. In addition to targeting Sandy Hook Victims Robin Weigel targeted many survivors of the Pulse Night Club shooting.
One is fighting back! Angel Colon is suing over a video made by Robin. Robin attacked Angel Colon as Angel was in the hospital recuperating from his gunshot wounds after the Pulse Night Club Shooting. Robin, using a ruse that he was "Angel's friend", called him and recorded the call. Robin then goes on a tirade defaming the victim. This was covered by SandyHookFacts this blog as part of an article on Robin's partner, Wolfgang Halbig. has been very active supporting the Pulse Night Club victims and helping to defend them from attacks by Hoaxers.
Sandy Hook Facts stands with Orlando Pulse victims
I covered Robin's call to Angel Colon as part of my video "Racist Rager targets Erica Lafferty":
I covered the fact that Sandy Hook hoaxer co-conspiractors created an account impersonating Angel Colon in this article:
The lawsuit discusses Robin Weigel's video; however, The John Doe's named are "" (owned and operated by several well known Sandy Hook Hoax Group Members) and TruthMedia Revolution.
Republisher TruthMediaRevolution's video with over 58,000 views can be seen here:
Robin's original video, currently not named in the lawsuit, can be found here:
Certainly, many Sandy Hook Hoax group members would be appropriate defendants as they conspire with Robin to defame, harass, and stalk victims. Robin Weigel is a fundraising shill for Sandy Hook Hoax group causes.
The lawsuit refers to Robin's video as "John Doe". Apparently, Angel does not know his attacker's name. That means he does not know Robin is a California resident. Robin often records calls without consent. This is a direct violation of California law and Robin could and should do jail time! He also harasses people in violation of California law. California prosecutes many for this crime every year and certainly Robin Weigel would should appropriately face justice and get his day in criminal court.
The lawsuit anticipates it will exceed $75,000:
My video where I showed this attack on Angel Colon: "Racist rager targets Erica Lafferty". will closely monitor this case.
Here is the complaint:

1 comment:
Perhaps this will serve to move others to sue. One can only hope.
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